
Hari Om Parents,

Our next class is on May 18th, 2014. It is the day for the souvenir photo shoot. Please check the blog for updates on important events.

Please visit for events and other important information.

Big Little Book

Here is the text (in Sanskrit) of a fun book by SAMI -- "Big, Little." We highly suggest using the book while reading to your child or class. It is delightfully illustrated and designed for toddler/pre-K interaction. We love SAMI books!

बृहत् लघु
bRihat laghu
big little

(मुखे*) आनने नेत्रे स्तः
(mukhe*) aanane netre staH
(face) on the face there are eyes.

बृहत् नेत्रे
bRihat netre
big eyes

लघु नेत्रे
laghu netre
little eyes

द्वे नेत्रे
dve netre
two eyes

आनने मुखम् अस्ति
aanane mukham asti
on the face there is a mouth

बृहत् मुखम्
bRihat mukham
big mouth

लघु मुखम्
laghu mukham
little mouth

द्वे नेत्रे, एकं मुखं च
dve netre, ekam mukham ca
two eyes, and one mouth

आनने नासिका अस्ति
aanane naasikaa asti
on the face there is a nose

बृहत् नासिका
bRihat naasikaa
big nose

लघु नासिका
laghu naasikaa
small nose

द्वे नेत्रे, एकं मुखं, एका नासिका च
dve netre, ekam mukham, ekaa naasikaa ca
two eyes, one mouth, and one nose

आनने कर्णौ स्तः
aanane karNau staH
on the face there are ears

बृहत् कर्णौ
bRihat karNau
big ears

लघु कर्णौ
laghu karNau
small ears

द्वे नेत्रे, एकं मुखं, एका नासिका, द्वौ कर्णौ च
dve netre, ekam mukham, ekaa naasikaa, dvau karNau ca
two eyes, one mouth, one nose, and two ears

आनने दन्ताः सन्ति
aanane dantaaH santi
on the face there are teeth

बृहत् दन्ताः
bRihat dantaaH
big teeth

लघु दन्ताः
laghu dantaaH
small teeth

द्वे नेत्रे, एकं मुखं, एका नासिका, द्वौ कर्णौ, अनेकाः दन्ताः च
dve netre, ekam mukham, ekaa naasikaa, dvau karNau, anekaaH dantaaH ca
two eyes, one mouth, one nose, two ears and a lot of teeth.

*मुखं can be used for mouth or face. Because we are using मुखं for mouth in the text, we thought it would be better to use आनन for face -- to avoid confusion and to keep the rhythm of the story moving.