
Hari Om Parents,

Our next class is on May 18th, 2014. It is the day for the souvenir photo shoot. Please check the blog for updates on important events.

Please visit for events and other important information.

March 15 Class

Words of the Week: कीर्तन (kiirtana, praising or celebrating) and
कीर्तनं करोति (kiirtanam karoti, singing the glory of)
List of the "Words of the Week"

Prayers Recited:
  • OM saha naavavatu ("My Prayers," pg. 6 )
  • Early Morning Prayer ("My Prayers," pg. 43)
  • Before Studies Prayer ("My Prayers," pg. 44)
  • Before Evening Lights Prayer ("My Prayers," pg. 45)
  • Guru Brahma ("My Prayers," pg. 9 -- third shloka of Shree Gurustotram)
  • Lord Hanuman Shloka
Gita Shlokas: Chapter 9, Shlokas 1,2 and 3.

Handwriting: OM Tracing Card

Provided by
Priya Subramaniyan and Vikas Anand -- धन्यवादः!

Sudhama and Lord Krishna

Art Project: Maraca

We read the book प्राणी (PraaNii, Animals) by SAMI and reviewed our colors.

End of Class: Poornamadah.

Comments: A new friend, Kirtan, has joined our class. We want to extend a very warm "Hari OM" and welcome to him. Kirtan, we hope you will enjoy spending this class time with your new friends and we look forward to seeing you every Sunday. (Also, did you notice that your name is our word of the week? How cool is that!)

We had so much fun today that our class actually ran over 10 or 15 minutes! Ooops .... sorry parents.

First, we simply have to comment on how well the children chanted their Gita shlokas today. What started out as a quiet, slow start turned out to be a confident chanting session. Well done kids! We will continue to practice every week and by the time the competition comes around, there will be no stopping these children :-)

In the spirit of our kirtan singing with Abhi Uncle last week, we made maracas and used them to chant like Sudhama did when he returned home from a visit with Lord Krishna. "Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya." We hope that the children will use their musical instruments throughout the day, chanting the glory of Lord Krishna. (Although ... we are betting that the parents will be hiding the maracas by dinnertime.) Many thanks to Prayag and his mom for bringing back the bells from India -- they made the maracas much sweeter.

We were extremely happy to see our three friends back from India! The class now seems complete again. Wow, what a change in Vikram. He's not a little baby anymore...won't be long and he'll be leading us in bhajans -- especially watching him bounce around to the music today.

Please note that we had a mix up on the dates for a class room switch. We thought it was this week, however, it turns out that the boy scout breakfast will probably be next week. If so, then we will meet in another class room. A notice will be posted in the lobby to direct you to the room number (or you can ask at the Summer Camp table.)

It sure was a fun day today -- we look forward to seeing all of you on the 22nd. Have a peaceful week -- and kids, don't forget to practice chanting your shlokas!