
Hari Om Parents,

Our next class is on May 18th, 2014. It is the day for the souvenir photo shoot. Please check the blog for updates on important events.

Please visit for events and other important information.

October 25th Class

Words of the week: चतुरः शशकः (chaturaH shashakaH - clever rabbit)


* ॐ सहनाववतु - Om sahanaavavatu (My prayers, pg. 6)
* कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मीः - karaagre vasate lakshmIh (My prayers, pg. 43)
* वक्रतुण्ड महाकाया - vakratunda mahaakaayaa
* सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यम् - saraswati namastubhayam (My prayers, pg. 44)
* गुरुर्ब्रह्मा - gururbrahmaa (My prayers, pg. 9, 3rd shloka of 'gurustotram')
* बुद्दिर्बलं - buddirbalam (Lord Hanumaan shloka)

Geeta Chanting: Chapter 10, shloka 1 & 2

  • गणेश शरणम् - Ganesha sharanam (My prayers, pg. 7)
  • सुब्रह्मण्यम् - Subrahmanyam (My prayers, pg. 62)
  • जय जय देवी - jaya jaya devI
  • अम्बा देवी सरस्वती - ambaa devI saraswati
  • गोपाला गोपाला - gopaalaa gopaalaa
Snack/Juice: Provided by -- धन्यवादः (DhanyavaadaH).

Story: Clever Rabbit

Art Project: Rabbit finger puppet

Sanskrit segment: Shapes, Numbers, ShashakaH vadati

End of class:
  • ॐ जय जगदीश हरे - Om jaya jagedeesha hare (My prayers, pg. 22).
  • ॐ पूर्णमदः - Om poornamadaH.

Comments: We have a wonderful class of very smart kids! They are so comfortable with the first shloka of the 10th chapter of Bhagavadgeeta. They could chant with aunty by themselves. No parents were allowed to help! Excellent practicing kids. We also started on the 2nd shloka today. How cool is that!

We added a new bhajan for Lord Krishna too - 'Gopaalaa gopaalaa...'. We are grooving along class. Also the kids have promised to lead us with some of the shlokas and bhajans next class. We have a break for 3 weeks, so enough time to practice at home. But we will miss seeing you for the next two Sunday mornings :(.

We learnt in the Story of the 'Clever Rabbit' that sometimes, even though we are not very strong, we could use our smarts to get out of tough situations. We hopped along with our very own bunny finger puppet too in the art segment.

Our kids are already sure of their sanskrit numbers and a few shapes too! We sure know our verbs, we played the 'shashakaH vadati' almost to perfection! We will have to come up with more new books and games now.

Enjoy your break and stay healthy.

Snippets: During shloka time, aunty asked 'which shloka do we chant next'. The clue was, 'It is for someone who holds a veena in her hands'. Toddler says - 'Me!' Unfortunately, we couldn't come up with a shloka on our toddler. We had to settle for the one we knew on Goddess Saraswati :).