
Hari Om Parents,

Our next class is on May 18th, 2014. It is the day for the souvenir photo shoot. Please check the blog for updates on important events.

Please visit for events and other important information.

November 22nd Class

Words of the week: रक्तः (raktaH - red); कुक्कुटः (kukkuTaH - Hen)


* ॐ सहनाववतु - Om sahanaavavatu (My prayers, pg. 6)
* कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मीः - karaagre vasate lakshmIh (My prayers, pg. 43)
* वक्रतुण्ड महाकाया - vakratunda mahaakaayaa
* सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यम् - saraswati namastubhayam (My prayers, pg. 44)
* गुरुर्ब्रह्मा - gururbrahmaa (My prayers, pg. 9, 3rd shloka of 'gurustotram')
* बुद्दिर्बलं - buddirbalam (Lord Hanumaan shloka)

Geeta Chanting: Chapter 10, shloka 1 & 2

  • गणेश शरणम् - Ganesha sharanam (My prayers, pg. 7)
  • सुब्रह्मण्यम् - Subrahmanyam (My prayers, pg. 62)
  • जय जय देवी - jaya jaya devI
  • अम्बा देवी सरस्वती - ambaa devI saraswati
  • गोपाला गोपाला - gopaalaa gopaalaa
Snack/Juice: Provided by -- Shreya & Shruti Iyer, Prayag Patel धन्यवादः (DhanyavaadaH).

Story: The Little Red Hen

Art Project: Red Hen

Sanskrit segment: Numbers, Head shoulders knees and toes

Yoga segment: Suryanamaskaara

End of class:
  • ॐ जय जगदीश हरे - Om jaya jagedeesha hare (My prayers, pg. 22).
  • ॐ पूर्णमदः - Om poornamadaH.

Comments: Good weather today, kept our class small :). Yet, it was a fun class. We are doing so well with our shlokas and bhajans that we are thinking of introducing more new shlokas next class! The Geeta chanting is coming along well too. Kids, we need a little more practice on the 2nd shloka, so that we can learn the 3rd shloka as well.

Our wonderful listeners, heard the story of a hardworking Little Red Hen and have promised to be good helpers at home to their parents! They also learnt about how a seed is sown and a seedling grows from it, to give seeds back again.

We are adding more to our vocabulary collection in Sanskrit each week. The familiar song - 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes...' was introduced in Sanskrit. Lo and behold... they caught on right away to the tune and words. Most kids are already very sure of their Sanskrit Numbers too! Do we have a super duper class or what!!

We will miss you next week during the break. Be sure to keep practicing all the new things at home and we will meet again in 2 weeks.

Snippets: The question was 'Who said Bhagavadgeeta?'. Instantaneously, the children pointed towards aunty who helps them learn Geeta, with full fledged enthusiasm! (Some time ago, one child even thought aunty's name was 'Geeta' and had very cheerfully replied 'Geeta aunty', pointing to 'Rashmi aunty' :)