• Cord Walkathon : Sunday, Oct. 28
Class Review:
Just a quick recap of what we did today:
- Basic stretches
- Turtle pose
- Butterfly Pose
- Tree pose
- Cobra Pose
- karāgre vasate lakshmīḥ (Early morning Prayer)
- sarasvati namastubhyam
- Lakṣmī Stotram
- brahmārpanam (Prayer before Snack)
Thirsty Crow
Thirsty Crow
- Jaya Jaya Devi (Durga Bhajan)
- Great God Ganapathi
Gita Chanting:
- Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 13, Shloka 1
Vedic Chanting:
Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah
This was still the Navaratri week and we reviewed our shlokas with Shanta Aunty. We tried to remember how Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati look like. We also wanted to be sure we are asking the right stuff from the goddesses; even though it doesnt matter if we ask for buddhi from Goddess Lakshmi and fame from Goddess Sarawati as all the Goddesses are one.
We made a craft of thirsty crow with wonderful movable wings. Thanks to Bala Aunty for helping us with the craft. All the kids seem to be enjoying playing with these crafts. Parents, if you want detailed instructions about this craft and the Devi pop card craft please visit the link provided in the craft section.
In a few weeks Sanskrit might become the most favorite language with our kids. Every week Rupa Aunty teaches us something new. This week we learnt all the basic colors. Red, Blue, Black, Green etc., along with the numbers we know.
This week we also got some more information about the Cord Walkathon which is on October 28, 2012. An email was also sent with more details to all of you. Please click on the link below to register for the walkathon.
We also heard a story related to our craft about the 'thirsty crow'. We learnt how we can use our buddhi to help ourselves in tricky situations. We also learnt that Goddess Saraswati gives us Buddhi. Now, we know that all the devis are the same and we can pray to anyone for Buddhi (Intellect), Yash (Fame) and Dhairyam (Bravery).
Questions for this week.
- What did the thirsty crow do to drink water from the small vase?
- Who is the third Goddess we pray to during Navratri?
- How do we say 'Black' in Sanskrit, Is it 'Blackah'?
- Numbers from 1-10 in Sanskrit.
Also special thanks to Anirv's parents for bringing a tasty snack. We also gave our ‘धन्यवाद’ in Sanskrit.