Next Class: Nov 18, 2012
@ Crossroads Middle School at 10:00 AM
Diwali Celebration at Vrindavan on Nov 13
@ Crossroads Middle School at 10:00 AM
Diwali Celebration at Vrindavan on Nov 13
Class Review:
Just a quick recap of what we did today:
- Basic stretches
- Turtle pose
- Downward Dog
- Tree pose
- Cobra Pose
- Lakṣmī Stotram
- brahmārpanam (Prayer before Snack)
How Hanuman helped Sita
How Hanuman helped Sita
Gita Chanting:
- Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 13, Shloka 1
Vedic Chanting:
Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah
This week we spoke about Diwali and how we all celebrate this festival of lights. We spoke about Goddess lakshmi again, she seems to be a part of all the festivals, isnt it? we spoke about her during Navratri time as well. Now we can say her shloka without any mistakes. We also learnt a new Hanuman Shloka which is a little difficult but we will perfect it in a week. Thanks to Shanta Aunty and parents lot of kids are reciting most of the shlokas.
We practiced some more Gita chanting, it was a little difficult after the gap to recite it perfectly but again we will take a few more recitations to get there. Parents please refer to the link below for a wonderful online tool.
We also talked a lot about Hanumanji, in the coming weeks we will talk more about this God. We also sang a song about him. Please refer to the link above for the song. As they do with all the songs this also will become easy for them in the next few weeks.
We made a Hanuman puppet with his 'gada' and his long tail. This puppet will help your kids identify this god and separate him from the other gods. During the story time we took this theme further and talked about the brave Hanuman and the role he played in Ramayana. We talked a lot about Hanumanji and his trip to Ravanas palace and fought Ravanas army without anyone to help him.
We counted till 10 in Sanskrit and also played a fun game in Sanskrit. This game is a Sanskrit version of Simon says, we call it 'Hanuman vadati', the kids enjoyed this game a lot. A link is provided below for this game. The link talks about krsna vadati but you can replace it with any god.
A very special Happy Diwali to all of you.
Questions for this week.
- How did Hanuman help Rama?
- How did he go Lanka? Did he fly in a Airplane?
- How do we play the 'Hanuman vadati'?
- Numbers from 1-10 in Sanskrit.
Also special thanks to Saanvi's parents for bringing a tasty snack. We also gave our ‘धन्यवाद’ in Sanskrit.