
Hari Om Parents,

Our next class is on May 18th, 2014. It is the day for the souvenir photo shoot. Please check the blog for updates on important events.

Please visit for events and other important information.

December 7 Class

Word of the Week: व्याग्र: (vyaagraH)
List of the "Words of the Week"

Prayers Recited:
  • OM saha naavavatu ("My Prayers," pg. 6 )
  • Early Morning Prayer ("My Prayers," pg. 43)
  • Before Studies Prayer ("My Prayers," pg. 44)
  • Before Evening Lights Prayer ("My Prayers," pg. 45)
  • Guru Brahma ("My Prayers," pg. 9 -- third shloka of Shree Gurustotram)
Gita Shlokas: Chapter 9, Shlokas 1 and 2

  • Ganesha sharanam ("My Prayers," pg. 7)
  • Jaya Ganesha ("My Prayers," pg. 7)
  • Subramanyam ("My Prayers," pg. 62)
  • Gopaala
Snack: Provided by Ayush's dad -- many thanks!

Story: Once A Mouse ...

Art Project: Tiger and Mouse Mask

Sanskrit: Everyone is doing fantastic! We learned बृहत् (brihat, big) and लघु (laghu, small) We also reviewed: colors (adding a new one --
पाटलः (paaTalaH, pink), animals, (adding a new one -- व्याग्र: (vyaagraH, tiger), KrishnaH Vadati, and a few of the clothing articles.

Keep up the great work, kids -- you're definitely on the road to becoming Sanskrit scholars!

End of Class: Aarti and Pledge.

Comments: Once again, we cannot emphasize how pleased we are with all of the work the parents are doing with their children's Gita chanting. We will stay on schedule with chanting shlokas 1 and 2 throughout the month of December, and will plan to introduce Shloka 3 in January. At the rate our little ones are going, we will have everything memorized by February or March.

Also, we want to thank Krishna's mom for sharing the lesson book they created. It was so nicely organized and contained all of our class lessons so that they can easily review at home. The animal photographs next to the Sanskrit is a brilliant idea -- and will definitely reinforce the words in a fun way during lesson time.

Parents, please continue to share your study ideas with us in class -- we love learning about all the fun and effective ways moms (and dads) work with the kids at home.

Look forward to seeing everyone next week. Stay bundled -- feels like winter has finally arrived ...