
Hari Om Parents,

Our next class is on May 18th, 2014. It is the day for the souvenir photo shoot. Please check the blog for updates on important events.

Please visit for events and other important information.

January 11 Class

Word of the Week: कूर्मः (kuurmaH)
List of the "Words of the Week"

Prayers Recited:
  • OM saha naavavatu ("My Prayers," pg. 6 )
  • Early Morning Prayer ("My Prayers," pg. 43)
  • Before Studies Prayer ("My Prayers," pg. 44)
  • Before Evening Lights Prayer ("My Prayers," pg. 45)
  • Guru Brahma ("My Prayers," pg. 9 -- third shloka of Shree Gurustotram)
Gita Shlokas: Chapter 9, Shlokas 1,2 and 3. We began Shloka 3 today.

  • Ganesha Sharanam ("My Prayers," pg. 7)
  • Jaya Ganesha ("My Prayers," pg. 7)
  • Subramanyam ("My Prayers," pg. 62)
  • Gopaala
Snack: Provided by Arun Karrupan-- धन्यवादः!

Story: The Talkative Tortoise (Panchatantra).

Art Project: Tortoise

Sanskrit: KrishnaH vadati, Animals and Counting 1-10

End of Class: Aarti was done in the auditorium.

Comments: We want to give a big welcome and "Hari OM" to our four new friends today. We are glad that you are joining us and look forward to spending a fun year with you.

It's hard to believe -- but we have another break in class. Next weekend is Martin Luther King's birthday, therefore we will not be having class. (Pity ... it was nice to be back in the groove.) Anyway, we will look forward to seeing everyone again the following week.

To our friends who will be travelling to India: Please think of us while you are away. We know you are going to have a fantastic time -- and we're really going to miss you. Don't forget to bring back a few special photographs to share with the class when you return. We will want to hear all about your adventures. Also, make sure to check our blog while you're in India -- there just might be some messages waiting for you :-)

Priyanka: be sure to give your Grandma a great big "Hari OM" and "hello" from us.

To all of us who are not travelling to India -- have a great week off. We look forward to seeing you again on the 25th.

Kids, remember our word of the week -- and to practise your Gita Chanting. Everyone is doing super duper DUPER great with their studies!

P.S. Note to Parents: If your child brings a toy with them to class, please make sure that it is put away during our prayer, bhajan and Gita Chanting time. We understand that young ones usually need to bring along special comfort items from home -- however, we must ask that they do not play with them while we are doing our prayers. It is distracting to the children who are trying to be attentive.

Also, feel free to walk your child around if he/she is becoming restless. We prefer that you leave the group for a few minutes if your child is feeling unsettled, rather than trying to force him/her to be quiet and listen. Sometimes these few minutes are just what the child needs to help calm him/her so s/he can rejoin the group activities. Please believe us when we say that we will not be offended -- we are all parents of young children and understand that the more we try to hush our child, the louder the wails become. :-)
