
Hari Om Parents,

Our next class is on May 18th, 2014. It is the day for the souvenir photo shoot. Please check the blog for updates on important events.

Please visit for events and other important information.

January 25 Class

Words of the Week: काकः (kaakah, crow), जलम् (jalam, water)
List of the "Words of the Week"

Prayers Recited:
  • OM saha naavavatu ("My Prayers," pg. 6 )
  • Early Morning Prayer ("My Prayers," pg. 43)
  • Before Studies Prayer ("My Prayers," pg. 44)
  • Before Evening Lights Prayer ("My Prayers," pg. 45)
  • Guru Brahma ("My Prayers," pg. 9 -- third shloka of Shree Gurustotram)
Gita Shlokas: Chapter 9, Shlokas 1,2 and 3.

  • Ganesha Sharanam ("My Prayers," pg. 7)
  • Jaya Ganesha ("My Prayers," pg. 7)
  • Subramanyam ("My Prayers," pg. 62)
  • Gopaalaa (2nd verse)
Snack: Provided by Ashwin-- धन्यवादः!

Story: The Thirsty Crow (पिपासितः काकः, pipaasitaH kaakaH). A Panchatantra story.

Art Project: Black Crow Palm Toy

We reviewed KrishnaH Vadati, Animals, Colors, Counting 1-10 and Counting Dogs. We also introduced a new game of Red Light, Green Light (रक्तः दीपः, हरितः दीपः) using verbs from "KrishnaH Vadati" and finished learning "Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes."

End of Class: Aarti

Comments: We want to give a big welcome and "Hari OM" to our new friend, Pushti. We are delighted to have you join us and look forward to spending a fun year with you. Boy, it seems our class is growing in numbers every week, and we couldn't be happier -- it's a great feeling for us to be making more room in the circle. :-)

We have now introduced all the three shlokas from Bhagawad Gita, Chapter 9 which the children will be chanting in the competition. At this point, we will continue to practice all three shlokas in every class until May -- so we will have plenty of time to feel comfortable chanting aloud in front of the judges. Parents: starting March, we will want only the children to chant in class ... adults will have to sit quietly and listen :-)

We want to thank all the parents for eagerly offering to bring in snacks for class. Unfortunately, there are not as many Balavihar weeks as there are parents, so if you do not have a time slot and are able (and willing) we'd like to take advantage of your generosity at our End of the Year Party in June. We will be needing lots of fun celebration treats before we take our summer break.

Also, for parents who have older school-aged children, we forgot to mention that the ashram will be having summer camp again this year. Camp will be probably be conducted for 8 weeks, registration available on a week to week basis (like last year).
More details will be available in February, however, we will be sure to let you know as soon as we learn about them. Unfortunately, we do not have facilties or volunteers for the toddler and pre-k age groups this year.

Everyone stay warm ... practice your chanting ... and have a fun week. We can't wait to see you again next Sunday!