
Hari Om Parents,

Our next class is on May 18th, 2014. It is the day for the souvenir photo shoot. Please check the blog for updates on important events.

Please visit for events and other important information.

January 13, 2013

Next Class: January 27, 2013 
@ Crossroads Middle School at 10:00 AM


Class Review:
Just a quick recap of what we did in class today:

  • Basic stretches
  • Lion pose
  • Turtle Pose
  • Tree pose
The ant and the Dove
Gita Chanting:
  • Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 13, Shloka 1, 2, 3, 4
Vedic Chanting:
 Om sri sarawatyai namaha, Om Sri Sat Gurubyoh namaha


Head, Knees, Toes in Sanskrit
This was one more wonderful week with all our enthusiastic little people.
We did our basic stretches and a lot of jumping to release our energies. This was a much needed step for the teachers as well the kids. We reviewed our shlokas and talked about who is a Guru and Aunty showed us the photo of Guruji to help us understand better. We also of course talked about Lord Ganesha and Aunty wanted to know what Lord Ganesha has tied on his tummy. Would you be able to tell us next time?  We also reviewed our bhajans that we learnt before and also the bhajan we learnt last week. Kids can you think new words that we can use in the song? 
We are almost close to our goal in Geetha chanting, just one more shloka and we will be done. Refer to the link below for an excellent online tool.
Our theme this week was Helping each other. We used the story to understand the theme. We talked about how the dove helped the drowning ant and how the ant helped the dove from the hunter. We also talked about how we can help our friends if they are in trouble or for that matter anyone. 
We further made a craft of a colorful leaf to understand the story better. 
We reviewed the game of  'Head, Knees and toes' in Sanskrit.  Please refer to the link below for the words used in the song. The link takes you to a different game but the words used are the same. You can also play this game. 

Sri Aaluka Shirah

For colors in Sanskrit use this link.

   Questions for this week.
  • What did the Dove do to save the drowning ant?
  • What did the Ant do to help the Dove?
  • Who is Guru?
Our special thanks to both families for bringing a tasty snack. We also gave our ‘धन्यवाद’ in Sanskrit.